Model Horse Publications

As of 11/6/14, very much under construction. Lots of new content coming soon!

Model Horse Shower's Journal: Four issues currently uploaded, and I'm always looking for more!

The Hobby Horse News: published by Paula Hecker from December 1988 - March 2000. These articles are reproduced with her permission and may not be used elsewhere without her consent. Many articles have been posted, but this archive is still under construction.

Model Horse Rag: Scanned and hosted by Kay Myers, author of much of the mayhem that was the Rag. She is adding more issues regularly.

Model Horse Gazette: Coming soon!

The Model Horse Shower's Guide: Judging and Showing Model Horses: A 1982 guide to showing and judging written by Rebecca Herwoldt and Rebecca Slavin. This guide offers the basics on halter showing, performance, breeds, colors, conformation, and even a bit about tack making and customizing. It has a number of illustrations as well as photos of vintage customs and OFs.

Non-Hobby Publications: This archive is devoted to articles about the model horse hobby published in real horse magazines, sports magazines, newspapers, etc. A few articles are posted with more coming soon!
