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The Hobby Horse News:
published by Paula Hecker from December 1988 - March 2000.
These articles are reproduced with her permission and may not
be used elsewhere without her consent.
1, Cover (Dec 1988/Jan 1989) - the cover of the first
issue featuring the logo designed by Kathleen Moody
2, Cover (Feb/ Mar 1989) - features "The Showman
aka Walking Percheron" by Francis Eustis
2, Page 6, 7,
and 8 (Feb/Mar
1989) - "The Gentle Giants of the Horse World - The Drafters,"
a brief overview of popular draft breeds with many pictures of
model drafters
2, Page 10 (Feb/Mar 1989) - "Remaking the Shire"
by Michelle Belisle-Locke, a brief how-to with more vintage CM
drafter pictures
2, Page 13 (Feb/Mar 1989) - "Champion Spotlight"
featuring horses by Keren (Woods) Gilfoyle-McGroarty and Janice
2, Page 18 (Feb/Mar 1989) - ad featuring vintage CM drafter
by Coyotl Creations
Issue 2, Page
21 (Feb.Mar 1989) - results of 1st THHN Photo Show series,
featuring champs Shamrock Steele Appeal and Cheyenne's Sugar
Issue 2, Page
22 (Feb/Mar 1989) - miscellaneous ads
Issue 2, Page
23 (Feb/Mar 1989) - ad for new releases by Hartland (Lady
Jewel and Jade) and an ad by Laurie Jo Jensen
Issue 2, Page
24 (Feb/Mar 1989) - "Neatness Counts - Showing Tips"
by Paula Hecker
Issue 2, Page
25 (Feb/Mar 1989) - ad featuring CMs by Candy Maynard
Issue 2, Page
26 (Feb/Mar 1989) - ad featuring tack by Sue Rowe
Issue 2, Page
30 (Feb/Mar 1989) - Sire/Dam ad for Merry Meadows
Issue 2, Page
32 (Feb/Mar 1989) - ad by Lisa Donnelly featuring her
well-known Lynne (Baum) Von Mayr custom "Dow Jones"
3, Page 13 (Apr/May 1989) - "Champion Spotlight"
featuring horses by Paige Easley Patty and Lynn Baum Von Mayr
5, Page 36 and 37
(Aug/Sep 1989) - "Models in Britain" by Keren (Woods)
Gilfoyle-McGroarty, a brief history of the hobby in the UK, with
reference to Julips and Rydals, and differences between UK and
USA showing and terminology
6, Page 17 (Oct/Nov 1989) - "Colorful Horse"
by Keren (Woods) Gilfoyle-McGroarty, a discussion of pintos and
color discrimination in the UK, featuring the famous Mister Mogg,
a CM HR Small Amir
6, Page 27 (Oct/Nov 1989) - miscellaneous ads
7, Front Cover (Dec 1989/Jan 1990) - features the incredible
Rhymnick by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig
7, Page 6 and 7
(Dec 1989/Jan 1990) - "Striving for Realism in the Araian
Model" by Julie (Poremba) Propes
7, Page 13 (Dec 1989/Jan 1990) - Photo show series ad
and Wizard's Vale ad featuring the elegant R'Thana
7, Page 43 (Dec 1989/Jan 1990) - sales ads, one featuring
multi-champ Venus by Bev Zimmer
7, Back Cover (Dec 1989/Jan 1990) - ad for CM horses by
Laurie Jo Jensen
9, Front Cover (Apr/May 1990) - features stunning Hackney
CM by Julie Froelich
9, Page 4 and 5
(Apr/May 1990) - Ardith Carlton's first Inside Straight column,
"LSQ: Elusive Ideal or License to Steal?" examines what
LSQ means and its relative merit as a guide of quality, something
the hobby is still debating (missing the last few paragraphs)
9, Page 26 and 27
(Apr/May 1990) - "Personality Profile" featuring Marney
Walerius, the "godmother of the hobby"
9, Page 36 (April/May 1990) - ad for the Rio Rondo Quarter
Horse 1 resin by Carol Williams, the beginning of the resin revolution
10, Page 19 (Jun/Jul1990) - sales ad of CMs by Lee Francis
10, Page 36 and 37
(Jun/Jul 1990) - Inside Straight "Hype vs. Reputation in
the Photo-Show Horse"
11, Front Cover (Aug/Sep 1990) - features Ardith Carlton's
"Quick Comet" CM by Julie Froelich
11, Page 36 and 37
(Aug/Sep 1990) - "Personality Profile" featuring Carol
Williams and an ad proposing a model Arabian Nationals live show
11, Page 40 and 41
(Aug/Sep 1990) - Inside Straight "The Remaking Industry:
Yankee Ingenuity, or 'I Want Some Too'-ity?" observations
on the economy of the hobby, customs in particular
11, Page 39 (Aug/Sep 1990) - sales ad for "Elite's
Raphael," a CM PAS by Kathleen Moody
14, Page 8, 9,
and 10
(FebMar 1991) - Inside Straight "The Test of the Press: Do
We Show Them our Best?" discusses the hobby's lack of a professionally
published magazine and how the hobby has been portrayed by real
horse magazines
15, Front Cover (Apr/May 1991) - features a lovely CM
Friesian. This issue sparked a trend for CMized Friesians in 1991.
15, Page 14, 15,
and 16
(Apr/May 1991) - "Inside Straight Stew" responses to
past Inside Straight articles from THHN readers
15, Page 17 (Apr/May 1991) - winners of the 1990 Challemge
of the Champions photo show
15, Page 20 and 21
(Apr/May 1991) - "Personality Profile" featuring Julie
15, Page 33 (Apr/May 1991) - ad for Julie Froelich's Spring
17, Page 8 and 9
(Aug/Sep 1991) - Inside Straight "Artists Take Time, But
a Few Will Take YOU" tips on buying customs, tack, etc
17, Page 17 (Aug/Sep 1991) - ad for Karen Gerhardt's Wizard's
Vale Production Auction
18, Page 4 (Oct/Nov 1991) - Inside Straight ""Death'
of a Showhorse: A Rhyme for the Times," a clever poem about
over-exposure of a showhorse and the spark of a debate about who
owns he photo-showing rights to a custom, the artist or the buyer?
19, Page 8, 9,
and 10
(Dec 1991/Jan 1992) - "Inside Straight Stew, Spicy Style,"
a customizer's response to "Death of a Showhorse." Page
10 also features ads by Lee Francis and Laura Behning
20, Page 8, 9,
10, and
53 (Feb/Mar
1992) - "Cooking with Gas --- More 'Inside Straight' Stew!"
more opinions on customizers' shows and model show rights
20, Page 11 (Feb/Mar 1992) - ad for rare Rydal horses
and a bit of history about them
21, Page 49 (Apr/May 1992) - ad for Ray Ann Sneathen's
popular Arabian stallion resin
22, Page 8, 9,
11, and
12 (Jun/Jul1992)
- "A Steamin' Second Helping of 'Inside Straight' Stew"
still more opinions on who owns the rights to a custom model and
to what degree. Page 12 also features an ad for CMs by Carole
22, Page 14 (Jun/Jul 1992) - "A Tribute to Marney
J. Walerius" a touching eulogy to Marney who passed away
April 3, 1992
22, Page 19 (Jun/Jul 1992) - ad for drastic CM PAS by
Karen Gerhardt being offered at silent auction
24, Front Cover (Oct/Nov 1992) - features a CM by Kathleen
Timmerman shying dramatically
24, Page 8, 9,
and 10
(Oct/Nov 1992) - Inside Straight "More Stylization, Less
Conformation? Playing Devil's Advocate with an Expert" an
article examining the idea of buying and selling model horses
as art and the merits of artistic style vs correct anatomy
28, Page 22 and 23
(Jun/Jul 1993) - Inside Straight "Somewhere in Dreamland"
more thoughts on making the model horse hobby mainstream and a
glimmer of the origins of NAMHSA
33, Page 4 and 5
(Apr/May 1994) - "Resin d'Etre" examines the growing
populaity of resins with a brief discussion of their history in
the hobby
33, Page 10 and 11
(Apr/May 1994) - "Remember When?" a brief but fascinating
overview of hobby history