Other Breeds

CM Dutch Harness horse from the Huckleberry Bey mold.
A CMized Breyer Silver inspired by Sarah Isherwood's Calamity Jane resin. This piece was done as a gift for a friend of Tiffany's who lost her CJ resin to an ROA.
A mule CMized from the Breyer Lonesome Glory. (Summer 2010)
This set is "Hillbilly Heaven," Tiffany's donation to the NAN 2008 Auction. It includes a CMized Salinero as a coon jumping mule, his Kentucky hillbilly handler, a Blue Tick coon hound, a leather halter, pack, and a jump. This lot was the highest selling item in the auction!

This is Purdy Spooky, a Sandicast TB remade into a stunning grulla Nez Perce mare for Halloween Hoedown Live 2007. Below is a close up of Spooky's intricate and spooky pattern:

This is the new Breyer Cleveland Bay mold remade into a Spanish Norman, a cross between a Percheron and Andalusian. He is owned by ? (Oct. 2006)
This spunky little mare is a classic Kelso with a Man O' War head.
Custom Ruffian to a Nez Perce mare. 100% original head
and upper neck. Mane and tail made on a metal armature to give a thin whispy appearance typical of this breed. Pasterns have been thined down to give her legs a more refined look. Body color done in oil pastels and ground mica powders to give her a metallic, velvet look. She has a snarled lip to show her upper teeth! Her eyes are sculpted to give a hooded appearance from her Akhal Teke side as are her long delicate ears. She has all sculpted mare parts, with mottled skin, and detailed strips hooves. Markings and details done in acrylic with pasteled dark body spots.
This is Migraine, an Eberl Akhal-Teke CMized by Tiffany and painted by Jenny Miller. Owned by Laura Finley.
This cutie is a CMized Old Timer owned by Dorothy Gunzel.
This handsome bay tobiano is the new Goffert model with a slightly tucked head and a turned ear. He has been painted up in a stunning bay tobiano with a blue eye and loads of details. Created in March 2006.
Adorable SM foal customs!